Waking into Dreams
By Tom Brown
- 568 reads
In a dream, in sleep, you might realise you are dreaming and wake up but your body is still asleep you can in reality not physically move. It can lead to very serious and in my opinion unhealthy states of consciousness. One could say that often the the dreams involve kinds of hallucination.
My terminology is not always exact and some of it is made up. Bear with me.
Why is it such a problem? What is it?
In effect your mind awakens to a state of full consciousness while your physical body is completely immobile or you are not aware of it at all. You may have some awareness still of surroundings, sound, light, touch, feeling in body members etc.
It usually begins in a completely ordinary “innocent” dream as a realisation that you are in fact dreaming. They also speak of “lucid dreaming”. You are now alive inside of a dream, it is like being in a movie. It must mean you can do whatever you like without any consequence seeing that you are in a dream not in physical reality.
In the end, sooner or later it becomes extremely unpleasant, typically first as night terrors and then starts other very strange experiences. You have no control but later on you get more used to it.
Although from what I have seen myself and heard of well-meaning but misled church people I feel this is inherently not a religious problem. In fact over eager members very often make things worse. Of course it is not always the case.
Consultation with more understanding senior perhaps older church members can be very helpful. Definitely stay away from “experts” and things such as teachings of and believing in demons and any practice of deliverance and exorcism.
The church cannot do damage as long as it is realistic, calm sober and balanced. Any of the mainstream well established denominations should be in order. It can be very helpful to get advice and insight especially since the descriptions in themselves are very often of a strongly religious nature.
In the dark ages and longer ago young women also told such stories the appearance of angels and flying (on a broom?) of visions and foretelling the future and having intercourse and unnatural acts with demons even the devil. They were believed to be witches.
These days many women describe being abducted by aliens and experimented on in spaceships and also forced to participate in all kinds of unnatural sexual deeds. Men also tell of such very disturbing stories.
So that differences in detail of the content, interpretation and explanations depend much on the times and those currently accepted beliefs, the setting. I hear that also in the present day in totally different religions and faiths the dreams are then in that particular familiar context. There is just as much ignorance. I maintain it is manifestations of the same thing.
Often there is gnashing of teeth and waking up sweating and feeling feverish and tired. The resulting lack of rest and sleep deprivation leads to more problems.
For night terrors I found that to overcome the fear and by just letting go it disappears, because the paralysis is the fear itself. Don't fight the fear don't try to break through it let the fear break through you. Relax. Easy. Accept reality and accept truth.
This dreaming can appear to carry on all night and in fact can be debilitating. It is not a good thing one must rest when you sleep. Teenagers and young adults seem to be more susceptible.
One does get used to it and it goes away. I have been completely cured for many years for very long now.
Such a dream is an altered state of mind and unhealthy sleep. Although I don't believe there is supernatural activity involved I don't think one can just categorically state it like that, for to be convinced one would need more proof.
I definitely am not an authority.
If indeed there is any physical reality to waking in dreams it should be very easy to prove. It does sound highly unlikely. First then we should get rid of superstition. These waking dreams are not supernatural. They are very strange perplexing and disturbing experiences of the human mind but certainly “normal” or “usual” and common really in a scientific and medical sense.
More insight could be helpful in the treating of mental and emotional disorders. Scientific studies of sleep and dreams could well be a key to better understanding of consciousness, of the mind, its fears and desires and its many mysteries.
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I have no experience of this,
I have no experience of this, but worries can affect dreams, and also fears. Satan can work on fears awake or asleep. I was interested in your saying how fears can paralyse, but letting go of the fear unlocks things.
My mother in law, who is 99, for a long time has found it difficult to distinguish what has been dreams and thinks people have been unpleasant, or have been cross with her, or that she has upset people etc etc. Some of it seems to stem from unhappiness in her early and mid-life and loneliness, which she didn't discuss or come to terms with. She has been loth to accept incidents were only dreams, but yesterday she said she'd heard some bad news on the radio, and I wrote down (she has very little hearing) 'But you can't hear the radio, it must have been a dream' and she suddenly smiled and saw that really was proof that it had been just a dream!
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