The Magnificent Fighting Pen
By trevor_mossop
- 1038 reads
2 men sat at a bar having a debate about the pen being mightier than the sword.
One was a short and slightly built man, quietly spoken and could hardly be heard above the busy crowd.
Whereas the other, was a giant of a man, booming out in the loudest voice almost deafening the quiet man.
"I am bigger than you, tougher than you and harder than you, how can you defeat me with a pen?"
The man quietly says, "do you want me to show you?"
"Oh you bet I do", readying his fists to pound the man into the sticky pub carpet.
"Wait! Surely you don't want to miss out on an opportunity to embarrass me as well, don't you want everybody else's attention first?"
"Good idea,"
The large man stands on his chair and booming even louder than before he shouts
Once everyone was quiet he spoke.
"This little wimp, reckons he can defeat me with a pen, what do you guys reckon?" With that he belted out some wicked booming laughter.
The pub was in absolute silence, but now everyone could hear the quietly spoken man, who took out a cheque book and started filling it in.
Then he held up a cheque in one hand and said!
"This is a cheque for £500, I'll sign it and give it to whoever put's this man in hospital!"
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Made me laugh, Tre or. Good
Made me laugh, Tre or. Good one.
spotted a couple of typos.
almost defining(deafening?)the quiet man
"Oh you bet I do, (")
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