How they murdered the truth ( or all hail the new news media )
By valiswaverider
- 390 reads
Truth was not killed silently
In a back room in Denver
Truth was murdered on the nightly news
Was hung drawn and quartered in public view
Murdered with a thousand insults
Silenced with cries for its execution
We do nt need experts
Listen to us
We ll give you back your identity Your sense of national purpose
Dangerously serious and humourless people told me lying was the new truth and I should shut up and listen
Rise and shine became a hashtag# no longer a morning greeting to your children
As when I was a child
A symbol of love had become just another directionless meme of corporate consensus salesmanship
Just empty words
No nutriment like cornflakes made of cardboard
The hour of hate began with reading the daily mail and posting bile on Facebook
Students are over educated
The poor are lazy they ll tax me for their benefits
Liberals have a bleeding hearts and need to silenced
Intellectuals do nt live in the real world
We got though the war did nt we ?
Kindness and civility as rare and tender as a snowflake hidden in the morning mist
Wake up and except the new reality
Do nt you know the world is a cold hard place
keep calm and carry on
The economic needs are more important than the air that you breath
Young girls who want to save the planet , only want to get on the cover of time magazine
Do nt you know they chop down trees to make magazines ?
I am a holy consumer I only share the party line or ironic memes of defeat
As constant confusion is conditioned you forget dreams of construction
What does it mean ?
What is a meme ?
A culturally transmitted idea
Much like a gene
But what idea are spread in this new media
This Petra dish of the zeitgeist
Who's pulling this strings?
This environment is as Darwinian as any other
Where a Cambridge analytic carries for more weight than any individual and some memes are more equal than others
Love and care and humanity
All murdered in plane sight ?
Put to death for the greater good
The individual must be sacrificed
Your autonomy is not your own you are state property and the name for state property is slave
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Great poem! I missed this one
Great poem! I missed this one earlier, but you have hit the current malaise right on the head!
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