Alien Murmuration - Chapter 17- 1991

By Vincent Burgess
- 336 reads
I open the front door and push through. The darkness of the house is a tonic to my stinging eyes. I can still feel my muscles tingling in my body. My mouth is dry and rough. I am in desperate need of sleep.
“Where have you been?” hissed aunty Caroline. She sounded like she thought she had better be cross. She was never very good at being cross though.
“You look like you had a big night,” she observed looking and sounding impressed.
“Well, I must say Allan, that these were not the problems I thought we would have.” She laughed quietly and kindly. It was nice to feel like someone was on my side.
“Where’s mum?” I asked. All the pain from last night came flooding back. It was searching for purchase. My empty frame offered none. It just flowed over me.
“She is still asleep; she was worried sick about you last night.” Now she did sound cross. “We sat up drinking until about two when she crashed out on the sofa. I told her that you’d rung and said you were staying at a friend’s house. It was the only way . . . she is a mess, Allan”.
Caroline looked down and I felt the pain searching for me again.
“Actually, so are you,” she laughed kindly. “Go and get into bed and I’ll bring you a glass of water. I’ll tell your mum that you got home a few hours ago.”
I take a step towards the stairs relieved that this is way easier than it could have been.
“We will talk about his later though”.
I smile and nod and walk towards the stairs. “You’re the best Aunty Caroline” I say carefully.
Caroline looks shocked but smiles and nods me off to bed.
I don’t remember much more until I wake up and it is dark outside. ‘So much for the power of the sun.’
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