Idea for a New Religion - Chapter 18 - Science and Exploration
By well-wisher
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SCIENCE & EXPLORATION A 1) Experimentation and exploration are the means by which God discovers more about itself; develops and becomes more efficient. The scientist and the explorer are the fingers of God probing itself, the inward looking eye of God seeing more of itself. 2) Innovation makes God more powerful - Innovation creates tools for the service of the greater good which is the service of God. Medical science gives God new powers of healing. Communication technology gives god a louder voice. The innovator is God's own innovative hand. 3) God is always evolving, God changes its shape; God moves and grows. Science and exploration are agents of change and they allow God to change itself. Evil is always changing its shape. Evil is always innovative and so God must change; must learn; must experiment; must be resourceful and flexible and adaptable. 4) God needs to unite itself. Exploration, transport and communication bring nations together; bring the parts of God together.
SCIENCE AND EXPLORATION B 5) An evolving religion - The only religion that can serve God efficiently is a religion that is flexible and adaptable. A good bible is not the ultimate truth but a means of discovering truth. All who wish to serve god should question, investigate, experiment and innovate. A good religion is a living thing that is always struggling and adapting itself to survive because only by surviving can it do good. 6) Science and exploration bring us closer to God. The more we understand about nature which is the anatomy of God, the more we understand about God. When we love and are amazed by nature, we love and are amazed by God. Meditation is a form of exploration which helps us to discover God in ourselves and in the world around us. 7) Science is not the enemy of tradition - Science helps connect us to the past. It gives us a lense to see the past more clearly. Archaeology and historical research helps forge stronger links between us and our ancestors. Time travel will one day take time pilgrims to meet the founders of their religions.
On Scepticism
Please be sceptical. Please be rational. Because adherents of this faith should believe that, not only will Science eventually confirm their faith
in the existence of both a Universal Organism and other dimensional demonic predators, it will also provide weapons to humankind that will enable human beings to fight the demons and win their freedom and the freedom of the Earth. Please be sceptical and rational and continue to do research into all areas of nature, particularly physics and neuroscience which must be the gateway to understanding and defeating an other-dimensional psychic predator.
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