Idea for a New Religion - Chapter 38 - Education & Moral Qualifications
By well-wisher
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EDUCATION 1) All education is religious education. God is all the world and all the heavens and all that we learn about the world, we learn about God. 2) Education should be everywhere - From the womb, a child should be surrounded by stimulation and learning. They should be immersed in nature and come to love it. Libraries and museums should be filled with happy and curious children. Every home should be a place of stimulation and learning, filled with art and music, literature and science. Education should be the air that a child breathes; their comfort food. All parents should be students. If parents are interested in learning new things, then their children will be. If parents do not have the money to create a stimulating and educational environment for their children, then the state must help the parents.Intellect is not the reserve of the middle and upper classes and so, there is no reason that a good education should be. 3) Teachers are public servants with a duty to society. parent and child - Parents pay taxes and expect their children to be taught by teachers who put effort into teaching. They do not expect their children to be bullied or to be discriminated against or to be neglected. 4) Teachers are the guardians of the future of humankind - No one should ever enter the teaching profession unless they understand its importance. Teaching should never be viewed as a dead end job but as a vital organ within the body of society.
MORAL QUALIFICATIONS 1) A course in honesty and morality should be taught in schools, colleges and universities and only those with a degree in honesty and morality should be allowed to hold the highest positions of power within society, such as police chiefs and presidents. 2) A course in honesty and morality should teach people how to behave morally when in positions of power and responsibility; it should teach people not to lie, not to take bribes, not to steal, not to act selfishly, not to be tempted by the material but to be motivated by ideals of honesty, fairness and goodness and to care about how their decisions and actions effect ordinary people. 3) It must be made difficult to gain a degree in honesty and morality, so that only those who are truly honest and moral can gain degrees. 4) A persons education in honesty and morality should begin at school level and end with the obtaining of the university degree, so that degree holders have spent atleast two decades of their life studying to be an honest and moral person. 5) Those who study honesty and morality must also take other courses, so that they can be intelligent, able and useful aswell as honest and moral.
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