Lucy Lou And The Rosy Road
By well-wisher
- 403 reads
Once upon a time there was a girl called Lucy-Lou and her mother sent her to her grandmas house, telling her, "As long as you stay on the Rosy Road you will be okay".
And so she set off upon the Rosy road, skipping along and singing, "I'm on the way to grandmas house along the Rosy Road".
And as she was skipping along the road she picked a pink rose and put it in the pocket at the front of her pinafore dress.
As she was picking the pink rose however, an old woman appeared and she was holding two brightly painted dolls in beautiful dresses.
"Would you like to play with these dolls little girl?", asked the woman, smiling.
"Oh yes", said the little girl and she was about to step off of the Rosy Road towards the old woman when she remembered that her mother had warned her to stay upon it and so she said, shaking her head, "I'm sorry but my mother told me to stay upon the Rosy Road. Perhaps you can bring them to me".
And so the old woman tried to step onto the Rosy road but when she did the toe of her shoe that was touching the road caught fire and so she had to step off of the road again and she got so angry that she threw her two dolls at Lucy-Lou which, when they landed on the road, turned to croaking toads and hopped away.
Then the old woman took off her hat and when she did, Lucy Lou saw her transform into an evil, grey skinned old witch dressed all in black.
"Gaah!", cried the witch, "I can't step on that road but I'll get you to step off it yet and then I'll get you".
Then the witch tied a string to the wind and it carried her far away.
But then, thinking how lucky she was that she had listened to her mother, Lucy-Lou continued to skip along the Rosy road, singing,"I'm on the way to grandmas house along the Rosy Road".
And as she was skipping along the road she picked a yellow rose and put it in the pocket at the front of her pinafore dress.
But as she was picking the yellow rose, an old man appeared and he had a golden bucket full of sweets all wrapped in shiny paper of bright colours.
"Would you like to have some of these sweets little girl?", asked the old man.
"Mmm. Yes", said the little girl and she was about to step off of the Rosy Road towards the old man when, again, she remembered that her mother had warned her always to stay upon it and so, again, she said, shaking her head, "I'm sorry but my mother told me to stay upon the Rosy Road. Perhaps you can bring them to me".
And so the old man tried to step upon the Rosy Road. Infact he took off his coat and laid it down upon the road and tried to step upon that but the moment he did the coat and his shoe caught fire and, hopping around in pain, he got so angry that he threw the sweets in his bucket at Lucy Lou.
Fortunately, the sweets missed Lucy Lou and its a good thing that they did because the moment the sweets landed upon the Rosy Road they turned to mud and worms that slowly wriggled away.
And then the old man took off his hat and Lucy-Lou saw him transform into the old evil witch.
"You again?", asked Lucy Lou.
"Gahh!", said the old witch, stamping on her own toe to stamp out the flames of her burning foot, "Yes its me and I may have failed this time but I'll get you to step off of that Road yet, little girl and when I do, well you'll see".
Then the Witch knocked upon an invisible door and when it opened she leapt through it and vanished.
But then, thinking how lucky it was that she had followed her wise mothers advice and stayed upon the Rosy Road, Lucy Lou continued to skip along the road, singing, "I'm on the way to grandmas house along the Rosy Road".
And as she was skipping along the road she picked a white rose and put it in the pocket at the front of her pinafore dress.
As she was picking the white rose however, a little girl appeared about the same age as herself.
"Would you like to be my friend and play with me?", asked the little girl, "I know a secret place we could go where its magic".
"Oh that sounds great", said Lucy Lou and she was about to rush right off of the Rosy Road towards the little girl when she remembered, for a third time, her mother's warning to stay upon it and so she said, shaking her head, "I'm sorry but my mother told me to stay upon the Rosy Road. Perhaps you can come with me. I'm going to my Grandmas house and I'm sure she'd love you to come too".
"Your grandmothers house?", asked the little girl, "Oh but that sounds really boring. Wouldn't you rather go and see my magic place. Its a place where you can have all kinds of adventures. Ofcourse if you're too afraid to come then I understand".
Lucy Lou thought for a moment.
"She knew that her mother had warned her not to step off of the Rosy Road and she remembered the evil witch that had tried twice to trick her but she really did want to go to the magical place and play with the little girl and she didn't wan't the little girl to think she was afraid and, whatsmore", she thought, "Surely the little girl can't be the witch in disguise".
So ignoring her mothers advice, Lucy Lou stepped off of the Rosy Road.
The moment she did, however, the little girl pulled the ribbon from her hair and transformed into the old witch and then she grabbed hold of Lucy Lou, cackling,
"Didn't your mother ever tell you never to leave the Rosy Road. Wicked things may not step upon it but once you step off of it nothing can help you".
Then the witch picked up the little girl by her ponytail and dropped her into her sack and then, carrying the sack, she skipped off through the forest singing,
"I'm going back to my house to have some little girl pie".
Then, when the witch reached her house, she locked the little girl in a dungeon, saying,
"There I'll put you in my pantry until I get my pie ready. Then I'll put you in my oven and bake you into a pie".
While the girl was in the dungeon, however, sobbing she took out the three roses she had picked from the pocket at the front of her pinafore dress for something cheerful to look at and when she did three tears fell from her right eye and one tear fell onto each of the roses and when it did, the pink rose turned into a pink fairy and the yellow rose into a yellow fairy and the white rose into a white fairy and the pink fairy tapped upon the door of the dungeon with her pink wand and immediately it sprang open and, taking Lucy-Lou by her littlest finger, the pink fairy led her out of the dungeon.
But then Lucy Lou saw that her path was blocked by a giant black cat that barked and growled like a dog and worried that she might never escape.
Then, however, the yellow fairy tapped the giant, black cat upon its tail and, instantly, it was transformed into a little white mouse that miaowed like a cat and then, frightened, the little white mouse scampered away.
However, just as Lucy Lou was approaching the door of the witch's house that would lead to her freedom, the witch leapt infront of her just like a cat, blocking her exit.
"Aha", said the witch, "Trying to get away are you, little girl and just when I was getting ready to put you in a pie. That won't do at all".
Suddenly, the pink fairy, the yellow fairy and the white fairy all flew at the witch waving their wands but when that happened the witch took out her own jet black wand and whisking it round in the air turned the three fairies back into Roses that then fell onto the floor.
"Hah!", she scoffed, "Flower fairy magic. How pitiful!".
But then she returned her attention to Lucy Lou.
"Now about that pie", she said, cackling and, reaching out her arms to grab the little girl, stalking slowly towards her.
Lucy, backed against a wall, trembling in terror and too frightened even to scream.
Just then however, because the three roses were on the floor, the Witch stepped upon the thorns of the white rose and the thorns grew so sharp and long that they pricked the witches foot even through the thick leather soles of her black boots.
Then, the white rose becoming red with witch blood, the fairy magic that was still in the rose turned the witch to a pile of salt and pepper that blew away up the witches chimney.
Then, finally, running towards the door of the witches house and grabbing it by its handle, Lucy Lou flung the door open and ran out into freedom and when she did she ran all the way back to the Rosy Road and, once she was on it, she stayed on it until she reached her Grandmas house and at Grandmas house there were sweets and dolls to play with not to mention her Grandma and her warm loving hugs.
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