Spell (A word guessing game for two or more players, played with coins or counters)
By well-wisher
- 513 reads
Round One -
Player One: Can you guess my secret word? It begins with D.
Player Two: Dog?
Player One: No. D-O-G, that’s three pennies to me. The second letter of my secret word is R.
Player Two: Drum?
Player One: No. D-R-U-M. That’s four pennies more to me which makes 7. The third letter of my secret word is E.
Player Two: Dream?
Player One: Dream is right. D-R-E-A-M, that’s five pennies to you. Now it’s my turn to guess.
Round Two –
Player Two: My secret word begins with T.
Player One: Tank?
Player Two: No. T-A-N-K. Four pennies to me. The second letter is R.
Player One: Track?
Player Two: No. T-R-A-C-K. That’s five more pennies to me which makes 9. The third letter is U.
Player One: True?
Player Two: True is right. T-R-U-E. That’s four pennies to you.
Player One: Your total score is 5 and 9, thats 14. My score is 7 and 4 which is 11. That means you win.
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