Black crow of figmentation
By WillSimpson
- 783 reads
As I lay down with my daily problems and reflect back on my uncontrolled sins, I find myself walking along a dusty road,
Halfway up I come across a giant crow, or I am shrinking smaller than he.
He tells me of death and things to come, to which I take no notice, and threaten him with no fear,
Instead of a crow, he is now an eagle, I am flying high across the sky holding his tallons.
Everything around is over sized, and the wind is still as we fly, across in the distance I see a nest in a huge tree with beautiful green leaves growing out and up into the clouds beyond my sight,
An instant passes and I am in the nest with four chicks screaching for the mother eagle, this place is not for me so I give my regards to the eagle and begin to climb out.
Next moment escapes me and Im standing outside a bar, in I go for a quick drink and there he is, my father sat shaking on the stool, "leave this place son, this bar is no place for you, any bar but this one, this is for torchered souls
"Behave yourself father, if you want me to leave then your coming with me too"
But he began to look scared and refused to move,
"no my lad this place doesnt let me leave, Im just a soul trapped in here forever"
Dont be silly none of this is real, its just in my head, so I ordered a drink,
The barman was a fright, he looked like he had served the best of pirates, and taken the best of men.
I had no fear so I drank it in one gulp, then turned to the old fella.
Come on dad its time to go, ive had it with this shit hole. But still he shakes with fear looking at his barman, then he pleads for me to have never came in, but its to late now.
I turn to leave with him by the arm, the smell of his soiled trousers would make most men die from shame, but I carryed on out the door.
Before I left I turned to the barman, and asked him to clean it up, I then vomitted on the floor and calmly wiped my lips, then left through the door.
Outside Im back on the dusty road with my shivering fathers soul, we talked for a bit, and I tried to understand, he said he was a prisoner of his own wants and desires and this is just his way, but I will have none of it, i told the soul to leave his body be, send him to the madhouse and tell him to seek god, but the soul just laughed, till my crow began to laugh, it stood in the road pecking and howling.
Off he ran back to the bar, what a coward, its only a crow I thought to myself,
I asked him, "Why does he run from you like that, your just a bird"
To which he replied, "I am the bringer of death and he knows his time is soon, all souls fear me, but you are to ignorant to see"
My problems had been thought through so i told the crow to fuck off, then I opened my eyes.
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