By young_choose_life
- 510 reads
‘Webcam’s set up over there Sergeant.’
‘Thank you, Williams. You’re a life-saver!’ I said to the waiting officer.
‘No problem!’ He said grinning at me; dropping the pointless formalities.
Every man and women in the service knew that one of the most important things was to do what you could when it involved a fellow team member trying to contact their family.
As I stepped into the comms tent, I realised how stupidly excited I was to speak to my wife and see my beautiful daughter. I stepped round the table and pressed the button on the web-cam.
‘Hello, can you hear me?’
The picture became clearer and clearer until I could make out the two of them sat there waiting expectantly.
‘Alex? Thank god! Are you okay? We’ve heard nothing for weeks!’ My wife’s worry made me feel even worse about the situation. How long had it been when I had last cuddled her to sleep or kissed my daughter goodnight?
‘Hey’, I said a smile spreading across my face, ‘I’m fine. Stop worrying! How are my two stars?’
Our conversation continued, my wife telling me about the improvements she’d tried to make around the house and my daughter Mia telling me about the paintings she’d done in school that week.
‘I’m going to play now,’ Mia said so matter-of-factly, unaware of the fact that I didn’t know when I would next get to speak to her.
‘Okay, I love you baby. Missing you so much,’ I called after her. ‘Love you too,’ was her reply as she skipped away.
When she had gone, my wife turned back to the web-cam and I saw tears rolling down her face.
‘Hey. Hey. What’s wrong huh?’ Desperation filling my voice as I knew there was nothing I could do to comfort her. After 5 years of a loving and strong marriage, nether of us was prepared for the time that the service kept us away from one another. But she knew I loved the job so she let me go for it. I silently cursed my stubborn nature; that’s what got me into this mess.
‘I can’t cope with you being away for much longer. They said it would be 6 months but you’ve been kept there for 8. What am I supposed to tell our daughter if you don’t come back huh? Tell me that. Why are they not letting you home? Be honest with me.’ She was in fits of tears now and I could see that she was having a hard time not freaking out.
‘They’re not letting us fly out because there’s too much of a risk of the plane being shot down. There’s nothing I can do. The orders have come from high up baby. And I mean the very top.’
‘What if they get to your camp? Attack the base?’
‘That’s not gonna happen, I promi………’
The web-cam screen flickered and turned to a fuzzy picture.
‘Shit. No!! Come on!’ I slammed my fist against the computer, cursing my stupidity as that probably didn’t help anything. But luck was on my side, the web-cam flickered back to my wife’s face for a second.
‘Alex! Alex!’ Was all I heard; and then silence.
‘Fuck’s sake. Nice one. Crappy technology.’
I sat down wearily on the chair; pulled out my dog-tags and looked at the ring hanging between them.
‘I love you so much. I’ll get back to you soon I promise.’ I whispered to myself. I kissed my ring, pulled myself together and walked out into the blinding sunlight.
Pulling on my shades, I headed over to the main tent where I saw my team had gathered.
‘Hey man. Our communications have been jammed. Again.’ Seth rolled his eyes and looked back over to our Commander.
‘We need to evacuate the base immediately. Our location has been discovered and we have a limited time before they attack. Sergeants I need you to gather you team and prepare for immediate evac to the planned safety areas you have been informed of. Now. Go Go Go!’
I turned and ran full-pelt across the camp. I could feel Seth right on my tail. We reached our team’s tent.
I ran in shouting, ‘Right. Charlie squad. We are preparing for immediate evac. I need you all to grab your gear and be outside in formation in 5 minutes. Let’s go.’
I ran over to my bunk and glanced quickly at my squad. I saw the worry; then in a fraction of a second this turned into pure determination and was mirrored around the room.
5 minutes later and we were ready and waiting outside.
The Commander ran over. ‘Charlie Squad, you are clear to leave towards the North-East from this camp. Good luck to you.’
Seth and I exchanged a glance; the Commander wasn’t normally someone to show emotion. The situation must be bloody serious. Then, as one, we headed toward the North East corner of the camp and took cover.
‘Right,’ I whispered. ‘We have no idea what the situation is outside this wall. The plan is to get to the safety point which is far enough away for us not to come under fire. You need to keep an incredibly good look-out as there is no voice in my ear warning me of approaching enemy. We must work together if we all want to get home alive. Are you with me?’ I looked back at the men that had been my closest family for 6 months and they all nodded at me, bravery shining through them. We headed off.
Screams tore through my dream. I jolted awake. The same dream, every night. For too long. I sighed, ‘May as well get up now,’ I muttered to myself.
As I slowly padded along the hall in the house that seemed to empty now that Alex was off in the service. I went to head into the kitchen but that morning’s post caught my eye.
‘You okay Mia?’ I asked my daughter who was quietly playing in the lounge.
‘Yes mummy.’
‘Good girl.’ I smiled to myself.
I went to the front door and my heart stopped.
No, it couldn’t be. A long, brown, rectangular envelope was waiting for me.
‘No. No way.’ I whispered to myself. I picked it up and without waiting, I tore it open.
A long silver chain fell out.
‘No! Not Alex. Not my Alex. No, No.’
‘Mummy what’s wrong… Aren’t they…?’
‘No they’re not. They cant be.’ I slid down the wall. The letter fell out into my hand.
KILLED IN ACTION. Printed across it.
I blacked out.
‘Mummy! Mummy....’
It had been 3 weeks since that envelope had arrived. Normal life was still proving difficult but I knew I had to continue. For Mia’s sake.
I sat down in the kitchen, wrapping my hands around a coffee I’d made god knows how long ago. I stared at the picture stuck on the fridge door; Alex and I together on our wedding day. Tears pricked at my eyes. No, not again.
‘Mummy, someone’s at the door!’
‘Okay baby. I’m coming.’
I headed to the front door, slowing at each step remembering that day. Shaking my head, I slowly opened the door.
Sunlight streamed in and a tall figure stepped forward.
‘Hello beautiful. Sorry I’m late.’
‘A…Alex. No. It can’t be.’
‘Baby. It ‘s me.’
I felt all feeling leave my body.
I saw her falling and grabbed her.
‘Hey. I’m home now. I’ve got you.’
‘Alex.’ She smiled at me.
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