Musings of Greg, part two.
By Das Stavrou
- 1283 reads
Hiya, sorry about that. Really hope you're still with me. Actually I can see on the conversation update thing that you already read my message so I'm glad.
I'm so happy you're my friend.
Anyway that was Justin from next door. Said he heard screaming and wanted to know if we were ok, LOL.
Please help me. I'm so fucking scared, what have I done? what would you do?! how do I get out of this?.
I'm calm. I will explain the rest of the story so you can help me come up with a plan. Justin is downstairs at the moment so I have sometime to tell you about Charlie.
Where was I? the drink, yes. I think it will take me far too long to tell you everything that happened in the week and I don't have too much time now that Justin is here so let me skip to the chase. Monday night I got her number and I tried and tried to get her to come out. Tuesday, nothing, Wednesday still nothing. I know you've told me about this before, not too get too eager but she seemed up for meeting up again. But I couldn't stop calling her and eventually she answered and said ok let's meet up. I thought, yeah she's interested!
I met her in a coffee shop in town as she finally agreed to meet up on Friday. She looked great, even better than on Monday night! I love that fresh look. We had a coffee together and chatted. And of course I paid, true gent right there! Actually I had the vanilla latte, I'd been to the gym so I could afford to. I always say treat yourself! haha.
She kept going quiet every now and again. Like something was bugging her. You know I would talk about music and stuff and she'd tell me she liked this and that and then stop talking. I did most of the talking so I asked her what was wrong and she kept saying it's ok she's just tired and stuff. I asked if she wanted to go to dinner sometime and that's when she hit me with the bombshell. She had a boyfriend. I tried really hard to control myself but I got upset, I mean, why would she come out if she had a boyfriend?
I asked her what the hell was going on, why did she come out to see me? I was so confused. She told me I was a really sweet guy and what I did on Monday night was great so she couldn't just tell me to leave her alone. This confused me even more. I asked her if he was treating her well and she said well enough. I guess I pushed her too far with too many questions and she had a go at me. Said she should never have come out. I said sorry, even though I thought she should be the one apologising. Actually, she should have apologised. I need to be stricter with people. Noted.
Worst sodding coffee experience ever. Didn't even have the coffee.
She told me again I was a nice guy. What is with the nice guy shit?! If I was so nice why didn't she like me!? Do you ever get that? She then checked her bag, saying she was gonna go. I didn't know if i wanted her to. I mean, I felt a connection. Something was THERE you know? like when you feel a tingly current run down your spine when you see someone and it makes you shiver in delight?
Then she said oh no and started to cry a little. Weird. I asked her what did I do? I thought it was my fault. She said she had left her purse at home and had no way of getting back. Said she felt embarrassed. I told her look, this has all been a big mistake, if she comes back to mine I can drop her home in the car and we'll say no more about it. She said she would call a friend to see if they would pick her up. They couldn't so she was stuck with me. I think her friend was lying but whatever.
I walked her to mine. It was weird, the experience went from starting off great to quite awkward and embarrassing in the shop. She started to make jokes, I think just to kill off the awkwardness of the situation. It worked, we were having a laugh. Like, the two of us were very embarrassed and just wanted to finish the day but we were hiding our embarrassment. Ever had that?
I let her in and said I'd be a minute then we could go. She asked to use the loo and I said of course. See now, you know me right? I'm so much more myself when I'm at home. It then occurred to me what went wrong! She hadn't seen the right parts of me, at home I was more relaxed and in the coffee shop I must have been tense or nervous or something. She had to at least see me in my element before we left. I went to make us two cups of tea. I didn't know if she would like tea but tea is godly. Anyone who doesn't like tea should be shot.
She came downstairs and said I had a nicely kept bathroom, very clean. Oh yes, you bet. Can't stand the idea of all that bacteria flourishing everywhere. I sanitise twice a day. I told her I had made her a cup of tea. She said she really had to go quite soon. I said nonsense! have a cup of tea and then we will go, just something to enjoy before the day ends. She said ok. I thought ok, all she needed was someone to take charge and make us both have a great day.
I showed her my woodwork and crafts. Got my tools out and all the little pieces I've been making for the goblin chess game. I was in my element, I thought it's no wonder people don't get on sometimes. They just aren't themselves you see.
I got my hammer out, was just going to do a bit of work and show her. She said she had to go and it was ok, she would just walk. I said no, stay a while and chat. Walking all the way back to hers, could be any number of crazies out there. She insisted she was leaving. I said at the very least finish your tea, she said no and actually got up to leave.
Oh crap, Justin. Let me go and sort him out and I will be right back. I need you to advise me on what happened. Wait just a few minutes. Don't go anywhere.
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Keeping the flow nicely and
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