Staff Notices
By Zokaya
- 2854 reads
Establishing this shop was very simple. The owners simply bought bed clothes in the sale, kept them in storage, then resold them at higher prices in same season the following year. The idea took off remarkably, so the high streets are awashed with copycats. However, we are the original, we are amazing and we are doing better business than all of them combined. It's over three years and the business is still going strong.
As far as the arrogant managers are concerned, there are basically two types of people working here. First and foremost, they themselves; the degree holders, and secondly, those people on minimum wages owing to their lack of qualifications or experience. I belong to the latter category.
The managers run things here. However, the others do have a say. The computerised Notice Board is open to everyone. It's purpose is to update and inform the staff of anything new. The beauty about it is this; noone vets or oversees it. Staff members are required to log on to the computer everyday just to read the latest notices.
Owing to shortage of time and minimum wage employees present yesterday, we were unable to complete checking what bed clothes needed to be rotated on the shelves. So please bear in mind, that any bed clothes put on display between today and Tuesday, pm( when all unrotated bed clothes will be rotated), should be clearly marked.
Thank you, Albert and Theresa
It is imperative that all employees do his/her job effectively. For Christ sake! Do not leave boxes unmarked and unsealed for someone else to do. This is not justice. In addition, please take your turn at cleaning and tidying the store room and shop floor. The same two or three people end up doing it all again. This is not justice.
Albert and Theresa
A bag belonging to a minimum wage worker at our rival shop, was taken from their storeroom last week. The connecting door was open so no one noticed the thief going in or out. Please look out for the bag stolen. Bags are often abandoned in other Beddings shops. The bag is purple with a medium-sized handle and it had the emblem of a ripe banana on the side flap. The bag may contain Free Botox card in the name of Jennyn. If any of us find it, please call.......
PLEASE BEAR THIS IN MIND, KEEP OUR INTERCONNECTING DOOR CLOSED. I know I keep moaning about this but it really does matter.
All Staff Members
Please refrain from taking bed clothes on display in the window to sell to customers. If people want to buy any of those beddings, there are lots in the store room on the other side of the curtain gondola but PLEASE ensure it is the correct bedding and size before you sell it.
Thanks, Theresa and Albert
Thanks to Winsome for the new smaller ladder that she gave us. She just could'nt watch Charles using the chair any longer.
All Staff Members
There is a new phone number for shop help at head office.........
Sheets Staff
Our regional supervisor Jacob, has arranged for a sheet person (someone else, not William Brown) to come to this store for sheet 'sessions'. This man goes all over the country advising and helping sheet teams to augment potential sales. Please let me know if you can/can't make these dates so that I can apprise Jacob if there wont be enough people to make it worthwhile. The concept is that you work your usual shift times and do them on those days instead of your usual days, so that you're not being requested to do extra. 10-11 hours would be ideal. The schedule will be rearranged so that your usual shifts will be covered
Thanks, Albert and Theresa
Theresa, monday is 25th and a holiday. Do you mean friday and sunday. I will be there on saturday the 30th . The pillow case, we will ponder. I've put it on the top shelf for your persual. I will commence pricing the new delivery when we have the PC up and running, but the window display is looking good now.
I'm talking about JUNE, not JULY, and you're right about the window. Thanks,
PLEASE DON'T US THE LAST OF SOMETHING WITHOUT EITHER , DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT OR COMMUNICATING TO ME. Today someone used the last shopping bag, so the patron had to buy and extra pillow case to carry the other beddings she had bought. I've ordered some more now but it should have been ordered earlier.
Josephine hurt her index finger (the taxi driver braked suddenly and her finger hit hard against the door handle) So she'll be off for 3 to 4 months. James was admitted for one day in an hospital. It is possible he will have to undergo and operation next month. We have sent cards to both of them from the shop, but I'm certain cards rom individuals would still be appreciated.
Thanks, Albert and Theresa
Log On Title
Please be extremely cautious when selling the 600TC Cotton Sheet Sets. Today we diagnosed that some of those sheet sets (correct price $159.00) was priced at $155.99. The meaningof this is this: We were selling those sheet sets for far less than we purchased the sheet sets in the first instance.
PLEASE! Take your time and FOCUS on what you're doing. The 600TC Sheet Sets is closely monitoed by head office and it is imperative that we deal with it with responsibilty.
Thanks, Albert and Theresa
All Cash Registers Persons
Pillows should be processed on the Bed Clothes button from now on. (This is what we were acclimatized to do until we were informed to use Bedding.) Apparently, the term 'Bed Clothes' now covers sheets, blankets and pillows. All change yet again.....
Thanks, Albert and Theresa
Jacob has organized for our unsold bed clothes to be recycled (not those in saleable states which will be transported to our sister shop in Blue Green). Any bed clothes which we would disposed of in the appropriate manner will be collected twice every 3 weeks by ( a company we are yet to discover it's name). Appropriate bags will be supplied and the full bags can be kept in the inner toilet until collection - There wont be many. The venture may start in two days but I'm on vacation, so this is advance warning!
Theresa and Albert
Message from Sister Shop in Blue Green - They are receiving unsold pillow cases from us when they distinctly requested that we only send unsold blankets. When we organize unsold items on sunday afternoons, we put the blankets for Blue Green into separate boxes so that they get blankets only. EVERYTHING else goes into boxes for our brother shop in Green Blue. When you examine the unsold beddings, for christ sake, please ensure that you put the blankets back into the boxes you extricate them from.
Thanks, Albert and Theresa
Thought I did, Yasmine
Please help yourself with some of the sweets on my desk. They are left overs from my birthday party. PLEASE MIND YOUR FILLINGS....
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I loved this. Whatever the
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