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I have 7 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 5166 times and 2 of my stories have been cherry picked.

13StopsEastOfWhitechapel's picture

My collections

My stories


Well; Or, Poem For John McCain

Well below the solar plexus Grace rests easier than Pride


Inspired by the work of H. Craig Hanna

Love is Colder than Death

“Love is cold, More cold than Death,” Said Morrisey to Marr. And with these words He left the Smiths To move to California. “It’s sunny there, You understand,

Metro Ligne 1, 19hr 45, today

Rice and indeterminates; I feel your pain insatiate.

Hey Freckle

Hey Freckle! How’s your day been? Did you wake up feeling special? Did the corners of the bedclothes turn themselves to let you out? Was it petals or red carpet as you stepped down
