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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryThe Dancing Sex Nuns of the Tenth Quadrant hadley211 years 9 months ago
StoryThe man with the Golden Cheese Baguette hadley311 years 10 months ago
StoryOn Brussels Sprouts and Other Erotica hadley212 years 11 months ago
StoryNaked Under Foreign Skies (Sestina) hadley513 years 4 months ago

My stories

The Shells And Stones (Villanelle)

The waves will wash the shells and stones As flotsam tumbles over shores And leaves the bodies and the bones Of creatures water now disowns. Despite the secret hordes it stores

Mandatory End-of-Year Marmoset Nipple Inspection Time.

Now it just so happens that today is not quite the day for Mandatory End-of-Year Marmoset Nipple Inspection.

The Most Pressing Problem In Contemporary Physics

One of the most pressing outstanding problems in modern-day physics, both at a theoretical and at a practical level, is what has become known as the Cheese Uncertainty Principle.

The Secret Rites Of Folk Singers

Those of you who have heard the fearsome ululations of the wild folk singers when they manage to capture a feral banjo, wild guitar or bestial accordion will know the dread that creeps down the spine

Modern Sporting Stars

Underwire Treelicker has often been credited with bringing the sport of professional tea-drinking to a wider audience through her use of the sometimes-tricky over-arm teapot technique while pouring fr
