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Forum topicABCtales and The Big Issue tcook1118 years 6 months ago

My stories

Attempted Lunchicide

Shattered panes of colour glass are sprinkled on my lunch my sandwiches are cheddar cheese they're not supposed to crunch someone's trying to kill me...

U) Terminator Poetry

Terminator Poetry I whispered sweetly to my love I whispered in her ear I told that I'd love her so and always want her near I told that I had to go...

Winter's Ghost

Walking through the midnight garden across the summer park I came across a winter ghost a huddled in the dark He was all pale and frosty he was all...

Tory Boy

Tory boy Tory boy fly away home and don't come a knocking today You mumble and fumble and arse all about but you really have nothing to say Tory boy...

Rural Recline

There's a green field behind The old cow shed barn That's covered in little white flowers And sometimes I sit In that lovely field And listen for...
