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I have 292 stories published in 18 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 399924 times and 120 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Brooklands's picture

My stories

Abecedary for London

Another abecedary. This one goes out to the big smoke.

The strangeness gland

Junk mail poetry. I love it!

The Day-Star

Chopping up strawberries to add to our branded Pimms jug, I realise why I distrust summer ' its arrogance ' the hyper-reality of sunlight, those overexposed July mornings; we chat with our palms pressed flat to the sky, crowns of light brambling through our finger-slats.


"Listen, it's not that I didn't find you interesting, it's just that¦ well, I find all conversation ' all communication really ' to be essentially duplicitous. Hand signals, for example, who's idea was it to make hello and goodbye the same?

The Clodhoppers

A story about winkle-pickers, talloscopes and a Toyota Camry.
