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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryBroken Mermaids. rebeccameme011 years 7 months ago
Forum topicGrit. rebeccameme411 years 7 months ago
StoryLisa Backwards. rebeccameme011 years 8 months ago
StoryGrit. rebeccameme011 years 8 months ago

My stories

Lisa Backwards.

Time moves differently for her. Its faster when it should not be and its slower when she should be speeding up.

Broken Mermaids.

These tunnels only exist in his dreams as subways underneath railway lines,they are suffocating but diverse, useful but pointless. Demonic but divine.


There is grit in her eyes. She is Silvia, 87 years old and sitting in her favorite chair. She rubs the grit from her eye seeing the blur of her first love flitter around her field of vision.