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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryThe Holder M T M312 years 3 months ago
StoryThe Fox and the Pigeon hole Chapter 7 M T M212 years 3 months ago
StoryEquine Dream The Walrus612 years 4 months ago
StoryEmpty House Sooz0061212 years 4 months ago
StoryThe Fox and the Pigeon hole Chapter 3 M T M512 years 4 months ago

My stories

The Fox and the Pigeon hole Chapter 5

He pulls himself up onto the cliff and looks back at the horrific site below him, the officers are laughing at Rafiel, taunting him as they close in

The Holder

When I am without this, I am no longer me No longer do I exist, except with him, The holder, Who holds the keys, And now, holds me.

The Fox and the Pigeon hole Chapter 4

They rush towards it, glancing up at the sky, knowing that any second the heavens will open and the impending almighty storm will rage around them.

The Fox and the Pigeon hole Chapter 3

turning silently to see them more clearly, Lance notices it too, lit up by the eerie moonlight, the silhouette of a person crouching in the bushes is unmistakable...

The Fox and the Pigeon hole Chapter 2

For a moment Lance stares into the man’s eyes, they are a deep blood red; piercing into him, the man’s eyes remind Lance of fire, and rage.
