Maxine Jasmin-Green

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryMy Mummy xx Maxine Jasmin-Green212 years 1 month ago
StoryNear Death Experince Maxine Jasmin-Green212 years 1 month ago


My stories


Eyes, I wish mine were blue, but they’re not. Eyes, I wish mine were green but they’re not. Eyes, I wish mine were grey but they’re not. Eyes, mine...

Mother's Day.

One day this week, I didn’t feel like a Mum, as I was thinking of Mother’s Day, I naturally thought of my Mum, for that’s what it means to me. My Mum...

Clark Gable.

I’m still in shock. When I heard the news that Clark Gable had died. You might have heard that he was already dead, but that isn’t the Clark Gable I’...

Home Is Where The Heart Is.

“Home is where the heart is,” And the word home means different things to us all. For some, it’s a wonderful place of refuge, where they always feel...

The Robin.

On the wall just outside our Living room window, my Daughter Meghan put a plastic container and filled it with bird seeds. Then every day a robin...
