Clark Gable.
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 425 reads
I’m still in shock. When I heard the news that Clark Gable had died. You might have heard that he was already dead, but that isn’t the Clark Gable I’m talking about. This person you may not have heard about or seen on television. Me and my Daughter Meghan used to watch him all the time, and as our recording setting was almost on 100% full, I almost deleted him to make room for Undercover Boss, thinking there would be more of him on telly.
I’m SO glad I didn’t delete him, for on 22nd February 2019 he suddenly died, age only 30. That’s no age at all, he was so young, so handsome, he seemed such a lovely natured man. I told people at work, but they hadn’t heard of him either, I even told my Son Daniel, and he’d not heard of him.
So, who was this lovely soul who is no longer with us? He is the grandson of Clark Gable, the famous Clark Gable who famously said, “Quite frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn,” From the film, ‘Gone With The Wind.’ Neither quote or film has my young Son heard of.
So, how do myself and Meghan know him? From Cheaters! From one of those many channels on telly. The host Joey was attacked and left and Clark Gable III took his place. He was lovely, sweet and caring.
He was a child model from the age of five and an actor too. He leaves a young daughter, so his name will not live on in her, for I assume her name is not Clark. The Coroner has not released the cause of death, I still can’t believe he’s gone.
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