Sundrenched particoloured moggies Bask patchwork squared Back of the Uni kitchens. Dreadlocks Jo who never quite left And Biker Bill Pitch up between...
Appearing first on 'That was the Week that Was' in the 60s, performing satirical ditties about topical news Leon Rosselson has enjoyed a long, fruitful career as a songwriter and children's author. Billy Bragg thrashed a scorching cover of his protest ballad 'The Digger's Song'.
The teller of the tale is in Exeter Bus Station, waiting for two road buddies to return. Penzance. Penance. Pen, can, pan, nape, cape, pane, cane. An...
181 of my comments have received 182 Great Feedback votes
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This is non-stop good CM.
Posted on Tue, 18 Feb 2014
This is non-stop good CM. Crowded memories of a many-peopled life.
To me your writings often feel like the Scottish weather, dark overcast clouds with light-streaked layers and jagged shards of warmth, brightness and wit shining through...
'finals are never final' - I like that. The education system wastes so much time on Sats to test the children and Ofsteds to test the teachers. In the words of an hippie from Glasgow
'When will they ever learn' - Donovan 'where have all...
CM I get the impression you went to a typical Scottish school for your era! In England it was less harsh although the standards were obviously set by the school head . Ours once took me into her office and showed me her 3 books.
All of this is good. My favourite bit is para 4 about the English Grey World and' then you spend your weekends trying to scribble colour and chaos over the lines'. Did someone say this to you? It's very well observed Elsie
This is interesting. The bleak seascape and the angry downpour, does that reflect the mental states of the people? Are Ki and the old man sort of spiritual twins? I like the mention of the drug paraphenalia it adds today to yesterday. And the...
A heartfelt poem. It is horrible when family members die when you are of the same generation and it does not seem to make any sense. I am glad that Rhiannon is praying for you Elsie
This is non-stop good CM.
Posted on Tue, 18 Feb 2014
This is non-stop good CM. Crowded memories of a many-peopled life.
To me your writings often feel like the Scottish weather, dark overcast clouds with light-streaked layers and jagged shards of warmth, brightness and wit shining through...
Read full commentPosted in notes for tomorrow.
'finals are never final' - I
Posted on Thu, 20 Feb 2014
'finals are never final' - I like that. The education system wastes so much time on Sats to test the children and Ofsteds to test the teachers. In the words of an hippie from Glasgow
'When will they ever learn' - Donovan 'where have all...
Read full commentPosted in Why I love school but hate education.
On re-reading the poem, I
Posted on Sun, 09 Feb 2014
On re-reading the poem, I feel that where it bites hardest is in the closing lines.
where I come from
nice girls don't.
The young wife and mother is maybe part of a family and a neighbourhood where if she...
Read full commentPosted in For Better for Worse...
CM I get the impression you
Posted on Tue, 11 Feb 2014
CM I get the impression you went to a typical Scottish school for your era! In England it was less harsh although the standards were obviously set by the school head . Ours once took me into her office and showed me her 3 books.
1) The...
Read full commentPosted in Second Grade Scandal
A lively and endearing poetic
Posted on Sun, 16 Feb 2014
A lively and endearing poetic tale with unobtrusive depth. I like it. Who was Samuel Laycock? Elsie
Read full commentPosted in The Football
Cor! This is some trip!
Posted on Tue, 14 Jan 2014
Cor! This is some trip! Interesting and lively writing Elsie
Read full commentPosted in In The Time of Job When Mischa Was A Zippie January 20th 1973 Part 1
All of this is good. My
Posted on Thu, 14 Nov 2013
All of this is good. My favourite bit is para 4 about the English Grey World and' then you spend your weekends trying to scribble colour and chaos over the lines'. Did someone say this to you? It's very well observed Elsie
Read full commentPosted in Your Red Buses
This is interesting. The
Posted on Tue, 22 Oct 2013
This is interesting. The bleak seascape and the angry downpour, does that reflect the mental states of the people? Are Ki and the old man sort of spiritual twins? I like the mention of the drug paraphenalia it adds today to yesterday. And the...
Read full commentPosted in Black Sea
A heartfelt poem. It is
Posted on Mon, 21 Oct 2013
A heartfelt poem. It is horrible when family members die when you are of the same generation and it does not seem to make any sense. I am glad that Rhiannon is praying for you Elsie
Read full commentPosted in Of God and Mercy