J.P. Oertel

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryWhile your heart is still younger than the world J.P. Oertel08 years 2 months ago
StoryGod Knows J.P. Oertel68 years 10 months ago
StoryFading Colors, Prologue and Ch.1 J.P. Oertel19 years 6 months ago

My stories

While your heart is still younger than the world

*/ While your heart still feels younger than the world, you must do whatever it takes to be good. You must fall onto knives and daggers when knowing...

Fading Colors, Prologue and Ch.1

This is a portion of a novella I was writing two years ago, dug it up, thought I should post it. Prologue: I sometimes think that this tale may be...

God Knows

In May 1996 I experienced something new, life, and it was absurd. Not the philosophy, fuck universal presence, the experience has and continues to be...