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I have 112 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 63787 times and 2 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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Jeanette Ju-Pierre


My stories


Rumours of a French Kiss, One rendevous, Minute by minute clench, A 60's Drive-In, Neat pair of lips, Cotton wool in her tummy, Even his kiss is too...


Now I am ready to plunge, flick off the lights and let me sink, as low as humanly possible. I've escaped the world of chaos.

Model III

Mosquito net on the luxury blue sofa, Olga sits on it, legs crossed and posing for Lem, Dark pink shawl drapes her slender shoulders, Elegance is...

Model II

Mud stained sunflower dress, One green eye looking up into space, Draped on a posh red sofa, Eve smiles and resembles a Cheshire cat, Legs dangling...


Moving her back to capture the correct pose, One knee tucked up to her delicate chin, Doubled up for the famous artist, Andre, Even her long fingers...
