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I have 112 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 63787 times and 2 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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Jeanette Ju-Pierre


My stories

Moon Walk

Marvellous, the slither of Michael’s foot steps, Ogle the choreography, One step grows into a terrific skate of hip hop thundering, Now Jackson spins and lands on his toes, Wowwwwwwwwwwwww,

The King of Pop is Dead

Tears stun me, Hush the nightmare is about to unfold, Royalty pop star suddenly gone, If only – no pills or needles taken, Loyal fans leave tributes and sweet teddy bears,

Adolf's New Home

As he leaned towards me I realised that it was The Fuhrer, "Do you still live at The Berghoff"? I whisper. One tap of his bony finger on my nose and I collapsed into giggles,

Adolf II

Adored by a sinking Fatherland, Drums and thousands of Hitler Youth once lined flower streets, One by one he lost his jewels, Lying outside his bombed bunker,


Half of a poem, As if this flesh never materialised, Is it about saving this messy planet? Kennedy would say something grand, Underneath I agonise that this piece is too bland.
