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I have 36 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 39887 times and 5 of my stories have been cherry picked.

ankari's picture
Anna Richardson

My stories


And I woke to sunlight streaming through the windows and the glowing glory of my forgotten crown of amniotic gold. I met the light with a greeting, a faithful hello, I’ve missed you.

Shedding Skin

To take a blade and feel it rip Across the veins, reaping the blood within To watch the beading of the red To feel inside, on the outside collect To part the skin, to hear it speak


Cold grey heart, all pebbled with gold Take me back and swallow me in To days we'll never remember, nights we'll never forget To enclosed spaces and the echoing of coughs

A Cynic's Reform

We must learn... How to say the unsaid things; To express our hearts. How to love through the universe; To forget we're apart. We once learnt... To spread lies and bitterness;

Barefoot Streets

Between touch of an autumn pavement And the skin of my heel There is nylon, almost black Or so says the packet I predicted a night of ladders For you a bottle of wine
