
It does what it says on the tin!


A brief poem written about two of my friends. It summarises it all really! Comments requested.

Barefoot Streets

Between touch of an autumn pavement And the skin of my heel There is nylon, almost black Or so says the packet I predicted a night of ladders For you a bottle of wine

27 Repetitions

A short poem I wrote, slightly adapted for this website. I'd be interested to see if you can spot what I've included in the stucture. Comments are not only welcomed, but requested!

A Cynic's Reform

We must learn... How to say the unsaid things; To express our hearts. How to love through the universe; To forget we're apart. We once learnt... To spread lies and bitterness;

After Party

There's a party... after the party? A pointless embellishment upon another Invite Screams Nonsense After... party? What an odd phrase I hear myself say, deep in the confines of

Beyond the ties that bind

One version of Utopia

Brother, Ally, Idol

At least this one is better than the last Love enthralled and Enchanted I lost myself. The childlike sound of a Xylophone resonates and stirs memories [And stirs emotions, Childish


Inspired by the white noise you hear that obliterates all thoughts when you are in the shower!

Double Decker

A poem that came to me whilst observing bus stop behaviour.

Requiem Anon.

Inspired by the loss of my friend's father, I never knew him. I wish I had.

Iced Tea

Inspired by a cold cup of tea and a sudden revaltion of truth.

Live Dreams

Last night, I dreamt of paper Under our feet. Then Kneeling, we Embraced the sky After bathing in thunder, Never ceasing to laugh, Dancing we threw arms up - Regained peace


I'll write your name In capitals Then scribble it out Again Underneath the censorship That's where you will remain I have placed a prohibition On thoughts of you and I


I wish to live life unrestrained By love, nor mind, nor page A life of untold worth It's glory increasing from birth My mind wanders free And I observe, one step back, from me


A chubby toddle beams at me His face full of life Girls a decade wiser Accept me like they never did That boy from my past Has a consolation for my every fear I jump with friends of old

Endings and Beginnings

Adapted slightly from a poem I wrote in January

SLow SHow

Clock stop. Heart broke. Life in suspension motion. History rewrites and plays out Before my eyes. Unstoppable force, coerced by Indecisive nature, Concludes reproduction is the answer.


Here I am. Crying tears of inspiration at the Altar of deceit again. An imperfect sacrifice. Gifts I am am given, I have received unknowingly


I don't want to talk about it I just want to cry until the hurt is gone Leave me here bleeding on the floor With the all consuming doubt I don't want to relive that week

November 6th

I sit waiting in the park at dusk And the spotlight is on me now. Darkness pools around, around the edges Leaving a hollow chasm of light at my feet Palms upturned I stand, rooted in concrete

Slumber Creeps

Slumber creeps and you let it dissolve Cold eyes and empty hearts, A clouded moon illuminates your bed Thus, glorified, counterpane transforms You're filled with awe at the moon cast shadows

Heart Splitting

Give them strength, as this day unfolds Not all dreams are made of gold Sunlight needles my windowpane I hope to God they won't be shamed Blue skies, butterflies, autumn leaves fall

One Kiss

He's biting at my back again Drilling on my mind again And you wonder why my hand feels dead You wonder why I'm choosing this He never calls or texts me now He would just hate to interfere


I was gathering up all the dew, Night oxygen through my nostrils Leaving my father's that night. And I remembered just that one day and us sitting on the wall


Think I might be lonely, or hungry, not sure. I pace once to the mirror and then to the door. There is an ailment in the way that I move My mother might see it in my cheek hollows and grooves

Oh Vienna

We are a chaste kiss waiting to happen By a table, with a lady frustrated by the lateness Of her boyfriend, pizza cooling A soft Viennese kiss brings it all back


Cold grey heart, all pebbled with gold Take me back and swallow me in To days we'll never remember, nights we'll never forget To enclosed spaces and the echoing of coughs

Shedding Skin

To take a blade and feel it rip Across the veins, reaping the blood within To watch the beading of the red To feel inside, on the outside collect To part the skin, to hear it speak