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I have 257 stories published in 13 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 238899 times and 66 of my stories have been cherry picked.

brighteyes's picture

My stories

Pongo #72-3

Casenotes (discovered beneath subject's mattress) Rocket pack. The only thing missing from my back. We'll go up through the asbestos tiles that sprinkle sleep

The Levels Drop

The cars snap at my back wheel, buzz my heels: my muscles, hard though they have grown, no shield. The cars snap. Trapdoor spiders, they lunge in,

Pongo #71

Pila I am woken by a pair of firm hands yanking me upright by the throat, nails digging into the slow-healing tissue. What is it with my throat? “Hello Roomie.”

Pongo #69

1771.1 Longwave
