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I have 11 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 8638 times and 10 of my stories have been cherry picked.
8 of my 27 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 8 votes

Ciadish's picture
Emily Goss

I've written for as long as I can remember, first published on the letters' page of Barbie magazine aged 8 (I was no Barbie fan - it was my sister's magazine - but I wanted to be published, and win the cash prize of about £1, so I wrote a poem about how much I loved Barbie, as I'd noticed that's what they seemed to publish).

From there, I had a few poems published in anthologies, had a prose non-fiction piece in the book Dates from Hell, and became editor of my student newspaper by age 21 (a paid position, back then). I moved to London to make freelance contacts,working in the music industry, moving into marketing for organisations including ABCtales, helping create the forums and providing articles for the website.

I was shortlisted for Company magazine Young Fiction Writer of the Year and the Cosmopolitan McPeake scholarship but still couldn't get unpaid work experience at either magazine.

After sending out hundreds of pitches over many years, I finally got a break in journalism and spent a couple of decades writing for women's magazines, and founding Scarlet magazine. I also wrote for various other titles including The Lancet, The Guardian and Marketing Week, and wrote a number of scripts for the Lovers' Guide.

I secured my first publishing deal, which was the start of a long and happy (if not particularly lucrative) writing career. I wrote 2-4 books per year for a decade or so, translated into 11+ languages, but my health declined sharply after serious illness and I was diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Sydrome (I was born with it but it took medics 30 years to notice, and only then after I suggested it may be the issue).

I had several low years as I came to terms with being largely housebound, and giving up an active media and publishing career. However, I wrote my way through it, starting with poetry, and worked my way up to a novel, which took me 7 years to research and write. It tells the story of May, Jenny and Jane Morris - William Morris's daughters and wife, but all skilled artists and impressive women independent of William - contrasting their lives against that of a fictional working class heroine, Lily, who wants to be an artist but never realised it was a possibility, until she is introduced to the Arts and Crafts movement through a gentleman who finds her alluring. I'm currently seeking representation/a publisher. It feels like the best thing I've written but it's taken a lot of effort and a fair bit of pain. Historical fiction is a whole new level of challenge but so satisfying to write.

In addition to writing, I love gardening (see, creating online and offline STEAM events (see and foraging. I'm fascinated by slime mould and fungi, and the way they grow and communicate, and am currently writing a presentation for my day-job as Co-op Member Pioneer (alerting community groups to funds and providing community support), about what community groups can learn from fungi and slime mould.

My stories

Disability Reverso

We want to kill disabled people I hope you agree it’s not right that We pay for broken people In civilized society. We must all be self reliant. It’s...
Gold cherry

Frost Flowers

Born when the cold becomes too much But has not yet frozen the core Making the sap expand: cracks form Drawing wetness, freezing with air Breaking...


[After Irvine Welsh] Choose joy, choose a hobby, choose a passion, choose a connection, choose a loving big community, choose fairy gardens, art,...


Love yourself, If you want to get rid of depression. Except for your negative thinking side Which should be eviscerated promptly Along with all your...

In the Beginning

Once upon a time there was a story, And the story made us feel And the feeling made us connect And the connection was recognised by those who wanted...


8 of my comments have received 8 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

Wonderful piece. So sorry you

Posted on Thu, 01 Dec 2022

Wonderful piece. So sorry you have to go through this, so glad you could find respite in laughter, and hope the news hasn't been too triggering of bad memories. My mum's a Brummie and I love Birmingham - so much incredible art and architecture, ...

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Posted in Laughing My Socks Off.

1 Vote


Posted on Tue, 22 Nov 2022

What a lovely and evocaative memory - reading it is like taking a mini holiday. Thanks.

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Posted in Pengwndwn*

1 Vote

Wonderful - really looking

Posted on Fri, 21 Oct 2022

Wonderful - really looking forward to reading more of your work

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Posted in Joining up my rainbow memory dots - 1978 I help the homeless in Belfast

1 Vote

Love it

Posted on Fri, 21 Oct 2022

Reallty love your honesty, and the way your words flow. Your description reminded me of the CND shop I used to go to as a child in the 1980s. I didn't understand what CND was all about when I was 4ish, and just gravitated to anything with...

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Posted in Joining up my rainbow memory dots - 1978 I help the homeless in Belfast

1 Vote

Story Will Out

Posted on Sat, 12 Nov 2022

I agree entirely, which is one of the reasons I do all I can to provide free creative education for free - see

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Posted in Word War Won?

1 Vote


Posted on Thu, 10 Nov 2022

Thanks very much - really appreciated. I get incredibly debilitating migraine from many scents - spray cleaning products, air fresheners (the rise in use of plug in air fresheners has rendered so many places inaccessible to me), many perfumes,...

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Posted in You Smell

1 Vote

Evocative and Educational

Posted on Wed, 09 Nov 2022

I love this - was totally swept into nature. " And this is *such* a great description of an autumn sky - I can see it so vividly.

"sky; that's bruised in colours

blackberry and gold, hiding

secrets radiant and bold;"...

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Posted in Chinese Water Deer

1 Vote

Hot stuff

Posted on Wed, 09 Nov 2022

I love the rhythm of this, and the elemental appreciation it shows. I don't think you need to apologise to Blake at all.

Feel free to use any of the pictures on this page if you'd like a flame photo to go with your words. ...

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Posted in Guard!!