cigarettes and scribbles

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I have 69 stories published in 4 collections on the site.
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My stories


If books are the source of all knowledge, poetry the source of all passionate verse, art the depiction of ones naked soul, theatre the production of a mans sin,


One universe, one planet, on country we share. One language we speak between our nation, we share. Its absurd, how in one nation we live so far apart- two worlds.


Tick, tick, tick, the sound of convention- the ticking of a clock as time passes by, second by second. Each second is a second you’re with me.

Goodbye Proposal

No matter where i am, you were a piece of me. What i do, you were there for me. The mistakes i make, you supported me. But now i’m here, and you are there stuck in the present- disillusioned,


Feeling empty inside, dont know how or why, but this feeling inside. Confuse loneliness with compassion, or compassion with loneliness. Overdose on pills or stimulants,
