cigarettes and scribbles

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I have 69 stories published in 4 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 49811 times and 6 of my stories have been cherry picked.
2 of my 39 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2 votes

My stories


Dear Diary; It's him again. It's him plaguing my mind, encompassing my soul.

Memoirs of a Comatose

Take me to another world, capture my heart- and hold me close. Rech deep into my soul plucking softly at the rhythm that i held so close. Offer me an escape from this void


I’m liberal to a degree in a world that cannot be free of criticism over every step- not even applause for success, just more to blame as a consequence.


To live pure is to live honest; to yourself. A life full of flavour is the consequence of untainted living. Drinking tea black, just tea leaves and milk

parisian mist.

Walking down such a familiar street, though in an absence of mind; my head is whirring, leaving me to feel faint and vision blurred, but i keep walking. Step- after step- after step.
