cigarettes and scribbles

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I have 69 stories published in 4 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 49812 times and 6 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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My stories


Is gender the question, For what does it matter? To love is of spirit and mind, not of petty labels set by the creator of male or female. Yet, To become infatuated is a sin,

Friendship to Loneliness

I have not the lover, nor the desire, though i do exchange love with another. Love that does not leave me infatuated or entrapped, but much the opposite. This civil partnership that i hold

Opaque Bodies

I can see through your primary colours, shining through. This library book of truth is far overdue. As the picture shining before me just a shade over your eyes,


I write, but what does it mean that I write? Blot the page with feelings, True or untrue. You may ask of what purpose these Writings hold. Love, hate or pride? Though I find the same questions
