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I have 37 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
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Costmary's picture
Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu

Someone alone.

My stories


when lights are low i search a thousand shadows behind each matchstick flame in every frame i count fewer teeth/ less hair/ less sparkle in my eyes i...

By Themselves

if people are trees then they are most likely to be pear trees their fruit is at the height of the noon sun with sweet juice they too fall by...

Forensic Medicine

In the hereafter world there is a council. A general reunion among big and little, both the old ones who still hold on a dry root and the new ones...

Socrates and the number 30

Reading Plato’s Phaedo in the light of the Apology, I was struck by the relationship between perceived fate and perceived wisdom. One of the things...

I Shall Commit Suicide Another Time

Can you guess when I first thought of suicide? When I spotted the central tower of the main cathedral in the center of Cluj, a northern city in...
