D. P. Connell

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I have 4 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 4159 times and one story has been cherrypicked.

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David Connell

My collections

My stories


I hereby swear, to cast my light, Upon the swirling sea, To beckon those lost in the night, To stray away from me. For silent rocks lurk out of sight, Beneath my watchful eye,


I once saw a dragon swoop by, So fearsome I let out a cry. But suddenly I saw, It was really no more, Than a bug a half inch from my eye.


Abandon all those loud and lewd, And fall away, to solitude, For only with a quietened-still, Will pen in hand begin to spill, The words that through the air do soar,

The Late Train

"The vast windswept hillsides that stretched for miles around had sunk into the gulf. Their invisible presence witness"