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I have 1203 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
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My stories

the effort

the argument started like the lighting of a fuse embers of an ongoing conflict spanning years &

the manipulators

after the frenzy is over (undeniable) and the boundaries are beginning to take root, sooner than later come the acts of manipulation--- these acts of pure insecurity &

cold shower ain’t gonna do the trick

she been outta the saddle for some time now she been away from the scratchin’ of her itch she been waiting for that somebody to come along

a pile of qu’rans

how many bozos at Bagram does it take to burn a pile of qu’rans? is it more or less than the amount of soldiers that it took to kill off nearly 9,000 Afghan civilians & 20 journalists

colossal liars at a funeral

nothing brings out the rats like a eulogy--- they come scampering out from the sewage drains & all dressed in whimpering black, show up because they have to make an appearance
