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I have 1203 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 456704 times and 87 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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My stories

fresh blood

fresh blood comes to the workplace & walks through the gauntlet--- head down, clean & shiny, maybe even pressed clothes, maybe even lips glistening, maybe goes to the gym,

the pusillanimous parent

“Well, if you told me you were drowning/I would not lend a hand/I've seen your face before my friend/But I don't know if you know who I am” -Phil Collins

deface away

have you heard the story of the man who has roamed for 5 years living off the likes of the self-righteous mor(ons)mons in salt lake city, utah?

when things bad happen good to sentences

postulated by the way out & through the hand clapping at once on its own but the forest in the tree when it fell & the child one left shouting parent at when it

protecting the public

when M.I.A flipped off the world while performing at the superbowl, folks at the FCC gasped & talk of preserving the integrity of the show has now been discussed,
