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I have 1203 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 456634 times and 87 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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My stories

dear mr. carney

just what are the “international obligations” of the country of which your talking head twitches? just how many nukes, biological weapons & weapons whose horrors we cannot even imagine

these books

the bible & the qu’ran, hmmm…. how many bodies have been stacked up dead throughout history for the sake of these books? how many people have killed & continue to kill for the sake of

insomnia & the scratching of a dog’s belly

the sun is rising regardless of one’s feelings on the subject & though the night has brought no rest, no relief & clearly no satisfaction,

the cardiogram & the bank account

hanging on his shoulder she’s waiting for the heart to go she’s waiting for that final fall so she can be off to Acapulco her lips are full & natural

the torch

quietly inside as the whisper of the wind through the tall white birches standing straight amongst the snow in the deep deep forest locked away in its proper vault
