Deliberately Evolving

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I have 106 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 240251 times and 84 of my stories have been cherry picked.
46 of my 872 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 46 votes

Deliberately Evolving's picture
Holly Fisher

A performance poet and protégée of the late Bee – a beautiful poet and former editor on ABC Tales. #seeabeethinkofme

My stories


Starting over

Starting over Looking into the unknown - a dark pool at night, lost and far from home, unable to see even your own reflexion, you fear the deep and...

Chasing dreams

Always happy to receive constructive criticism. Thanks for reading.

Tradesman - revised

Hauling heavy timbers. Broad shoulders and strong arms. Scuffed knees and dusty shorts. Roughened hands that grasp and handle tools with lazy ease...

Pirate bite

A joint collaboration with my 4 year old nephew and my 6 year old neice. We wrote this together along with another one called "My purple cup".


Pushed Standing on the precipice. Reached the edge, teetering, feeling like you're going to fall. Still hanging on for dear life, trying to keep your...
