Deliberately Evolving

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I have 106 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 249410 times and 84 of my stories have been cherry picked.
46 of my 872 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 46 votes

Deliberately Evolving's picture
Holly Fisher

A performance poet and protégée of the late Bee – a beautiful poet and former editor on ABC Tales. #seeabeethinkofme

My stories

Stuck on a journey (Poetry Monthly)

So far, a crap journey. Traffic jams, road works, pot holes and fumes - and only intermittently good views. (Mostly motorway). The car keeps stalling...

Mental Cruelty

Fictional work to highlight the effects of mental abuse.
Gold cherry

Rugby commentary by accidentallyexisting

Crowd shouting Must be exciting Men running - oh look he's got the ball! A white one That's ours I think. Look they've all piled on him. Hang on -...

I wasn't expecting that

You've got me stumped, my darling I'm voiceless, baffled, perplexed and puzzled. I was lost for words, all I can do is ponder, dwell a bit longer on...

If you love someone

If you were a bear, I'd keep you in majestic grounds where you'd be free to roam and climb great trees and howl contented to the breeze; the sun warm...
