Deliberately Evolving

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I have 106 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 248216 times and 84 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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Deliberately Evolving's picture
Holly Fisher

A performance poet and protégée of the late Bee – a beautiful poet and former editor on ABC Tales. #seeabeethinkofme

My stories

Poem of the week
Pick of the Month

running in the rain

There is something compelling and slightly unsettling the way the rain strikes my face hits my cheeks and my lips. Droplets drum a delightful pattern...

Beating around the bush

Beating around the bush The consequence of the outcome and the upshot of the out-turn ended up a sequel from events, based upon the eventual reaction...


A puzzle poem for anyone at a loose end and looking for something to do. enjoy.

Off to Journeys end - who's with me?

I would appreciate your advice, opinions or critique on this poem if anyone has any please.


Word of the day today: Osculate
