Ed Crane

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I have 249 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 343373 times and 249 of my stories have been cherry picked.
194 of my 1,948 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 203 votes

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My stories


You Never Forget How to Ride a Bike

A retired hitman gets a visit. (2380 words)
Gold cherry

Sun Bathing (IP)

To bathe in the rays of The Sun, pay your 40p for a deckchair on the grubby sands of Murdoch beach. Enjoy the sensual page three heat. Paddle in its...

The Game of Poaching

Poachers take gamekeepers Gamekeepers take poachers

A Near Death Experience

‘Kiss me,’ she said on our first date, sitting on busted leather seats outside her mum and dad’s house inside the 1948 Hillman Minx with a month’s...
