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I have 41 stories published in 7 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 84793 times and 4 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 121 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

EpheLuwe's picture
Ephraim Luwemba

My stories

The Moment

The anxious moment of hesitancy and trust of self doubted together In that moment I wonder what will become of us of you of me when we delve through...

Love's Knot

The knot that tightened my gut, at least Is gone: but ‘for the pain my soul claims, How can I bear it? That love & nature’s priest, How can I...

Hymn on the 23rd Hour

A friend is a friend, is a friend Who, when brought to bear upon Does not confuse those obscure Answers somewhere between yes And no, a friend knows...

A Stanza to my Muse - F., though she be departed

I did on one day At one hour and second in time On one plane and one altitude Decide you were mine: - (& with that decided, Vigild the 'wick's...

Sonnetina Cinque (A Gift to the Friday Crew)

'If moments could be collected In bottles and containers of Different shapes and size And floated gallantly a'tide A bottle placed by us would...
