H OHara

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I have 35 stories published in 6 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 24967 times and one story has been cherrypicked.

H OHara's picture
Harrison O'Hara

My stories

Henry Miller was God (and so was Jack Kerouac)

Henry Miller was God (and so was Jack Kerouac). Now, I don't mean to offend anyone, but then again maybe subconsciously and ironically I do; yet the truth and reality behind my words remains to be seen and deciphered from the reader. When I say Henry miller was God, I mean exactly that ' Henry Miller was God. Jack Kerouac had a Godly bone too.

Poem For My Gypsy Woman

I met you when my hands were tied

Zup'In Canada

From Florida to Canda - and back again. A camping and fishing excursion.

When Will . . . ?

When will . . . ?

Ground Zero

Joe, the Wobble.
