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I have 145 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 89076 times and 29 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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harveyjoseph's picture
Joseph Harvey

My stories

Remembrance Day Part 2

He alighted from the train and walked with a sense of growing excitement along the platform, his bag hanging off one shoulder, amongst the suited...

Remembrance Day Part 1

He loathed that moment of hearing the phone ring at the other end of the line, sat waiting for the voice at the other end to cut it off, with a "...

Rambling Rose

And rambling she runs With her long hair hanging down From the country to the town Through the city streets she goes My rambling rose. And her fierce...

The Missing Piece

I notice, the tear in my shirt, hanging out, slumped down in the kitchen, afterwork, tired and tied rather than rooted to the spot. A violent tear, a...
Gold cherry


Beneath the warm sunlit white plastic garden chair, set in concrete, was a single paw print. His eye took it in. A cat, back in the sixties when this...
