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I have 21 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 14511 times and one story has been cherrypicked.

HiddenBehindTheMask's picture
Emma Mew

My stories

Running From the Darkness.

In the depths of light, My heart takes off in flight. Then creep in the orbs of grey, The brightness fades away. Like a powerful sea - Its hungry arms decimate me, I struggle and flail


I seek love My half heart beats alone. My body just waiting for you. But whom am I to share with my life? I am Impatient just waiting infinitely. My heart grows heavy with hope

Half of my Heart

I never knew I was only half, Spending an endless life, On the wrong path. With half a heart, How could I have lived, When we were apart? So much time alone, Never truly having a place,

Falling to pieces.

Everything is falling, Shattering, There was no warning, That danger was dawning. Every piece is intraceable, Utterly, It is truly unfaceable, A hunger that is insatiable.

Fall Queen.

A spiral of curls, Cascading down her shoulders, Her hair the colour of fire, The flames danced across her shoulders, Falling and combusting like tiny fireworks, Exploding with exuberence -
