Ian Hobson

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I have 79 stories published in 4 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 89941 times and 26 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Ian Hobson's picture

My stories

The Da Vinci Cube

Rupert was at a loss to know what was happening¦ here he was being driven at high speed through the streets of Paris in the middle of the night by a lunatic French policewoman who claimed that he was a suspect in her uncle's murder. The whole thing would almost make a good novel were it not for the absolute absurdity of it¦ If you've read The Da Vinci Code, then you might make some sense of this, if not, best read something else.

The Wolf, the Witch and The Dining Room Table

'Your place or mine?' Damien could hardly believe his luck. He had always thought himself to be irresistible to women but he usually had to work a little harder than this.

The Coffin

I locked the door and turned around and there it was: a coffin!

A Bullet to the Head

A soldier's story (thriller)
