Itane Vero

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I have 203 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 98772 times and 88 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Itane Vero's picture
Itane Vero


My stories

Why have you forsaken me

"Down in the basement of your soul. You follow the light and the river is taking you home."

My world

I didn't want to write this piece of text. I thought I write something about the beautiful summer, about butterflies, about nice girls. But it didn't happen. I'm so sorry...

Freedom at last

What it is: to bring a statue to life...

The old song will not declare itself

What remains when you find yourself in a dead end street. When your footsteps sounds hollow, the shadows behind the curtains move too hasty?

Refreshing my soul

Why I so often get scared of the silence. Why I just have to learn to love the silence.
