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I have 895 stories published in 45 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 1732198 times and 270 of my stories have been cherry picked.
402 of my 5,470 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 406 votes

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Jean Day


My stories

The Down and Out King - 29

EMILY They sent for a doctor, they sent for a nuss, But ven they both comed the poor cretur vas vuss. They guved her some gruel, they tallowed her...

The Down and Out King - 28

WILLIAM You ax me to sing, so of course I shall, I’ll sing you the fate of the poor Yorkhouse gal, Who twin-sister vos to the ill-fated child, Who in...

The Down and Out King - 27

EMILY At length the soup copper repairs did need, The cooper smith came, and there he seed A dollop of bones lay grizzling there, In the leg of the...

The Down and Out King - 26

WILLIAM The cloth vos laid in the vorkhouse hall, And the greatcoats hung on the vitevash’d vall, The paupers all vere blythe and gay, Keeping their...

The Down and Out King - 25

EMILY Where the broth is made of bones, Where the cobblers face all weather, Where the stove is seldom lighted, Where the rugs are daily boxed, Where...
