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I have 895 stories published in 45 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 1732099 times and 270 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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Jean Day


My stories


The Down and Out King - 24

WILLIAM The old bed is full of fleas all alive: I killed in number about five times five. They are not poor, but all thorough-bred, And before...

The Down and Out King - 23

EMILY My unfortunate friends, pray look around, And tell me for what is this place renowned; The room is large, but the windows are small, But that...

The Down and Out King - 22

WILLIAM Dry bread in the morning, ditto at night, Keep up your pecker and make it all right. Certainly the meals are paltry and mean, But the beds...

The Down and Out King - 21

EMILY Not a field nor a house nor a hedge I can see - Not a plant, not a flower, nor a bush nor a tree. But I'm getting, I find, too pathetic by half...

The Down and Out King - 20

WILLIAM Here are nine at a time who work on the mill; We take it in turns so it never stands still: A half hour each gang, so 'tis not very hard, And...
