I have 21 stories published in
0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 43462 times
and 24 of my stories have been cherry picked. 7 of my 118 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 9 votes
“Are you getting off, or not?” I look up to see the driver staring at me. “Yes, thanks.” I pick up my briefcase, ignoring the pain in my arm, and get...
When I told my mother I liked girls, she smiled She told me it was a phase She told me it was only natural To want to be a man The second time I told...
The first time Bernard saw his ruination, it looked completely ordinary. It walked into his fourth-period class wearing the school uniform. The skirt...
7 of my comments have received 9 Great Feedback votes
2 Votes
God bless, Bee. I don't know
Posted on Mon, 25 Apr 2016
God bless, Bee. I don't know too much about life, I have not lived long. But I do know that sometimes we meet people along the way who brighten the journey,even if we have no idea who they are.
This is a wondeful poem. Despite the increased risks of falling into the much despised trap of cliche, you hold your own against the words (if that even makes sense, since you're kind of on the same side lol!) and that's what makes this piece...
Such a powerful piece of art. You've essentially taken apart and beautifed each component of writing in such a rich way. This was truly a pleasure to read.
Just a thought—did you mean to use both 'ambiguous' and 'unambiguous'? Maybe if...
I didn't think this was awful at all! On the contrary, it made me feel that little thrill of envy that I feel every so often while reading other people's poetry:)
"You matter, and we matter". I really liked this. It really pitches that...
Wow this is so bloody good!! I have nothing left to say. I mean, I was thinking all this stuff while I was reading it but um...now all I can think is AMAZING.
This story has so many things going on! And yet his story is told with the...
I agree with scratch, and by the looks of it you do comment quite a lot! I'm sure I haven't paid back all of my comments to their source (alas!). You really shouldn't let it worry you.
God bless, Bee. I don't know
Posted on Mon, 25 Apr 2016
God bless, Bee. I don't know too much about life, I have not lived long. But I do know that sometimes we meet people along the way who brighten the journey,even if we have no idea who they are.
Like you.
Read full commentPosted in Bee's Journey - (the last leg)
This is a wondeful poem.
Posted on Thu, 20 Feb 2014
This is a wondeful poem. Despite the increased risks of falling into the much despised trap of cliche, you hold your own against the words (if that even makes sense, since you're kind of on the same side lol!) and that's what makes this piece...
Read full commentPosted in Flood
"You are scared of"....
Posted on Fri, 29 Jan 2016
"You are scared of"....
The first line pretty much sums up life in my opinion! A list of things we fear. The more trivial things that he fears really does reflect real life:)
Read full commentPosted in You got the jitters
Such a powerful piece of art.
Posted on Sat, 30 Jan 2016
Such a powerful piece of art. You've essentially taken apart and beautifed each component of writing in such a rich way. This was truly a pleasure to read.
Just a thought—did you mean to use both 'ambiguous' and 'unambiguous'? Maybe if...
Read full commentPosted in Grave news
I didn't think this was awful
Posted on Tue, 26 Jan 2016
I didn't think this was awful at all! On the contrary, it made me feel that little thrill of envy that I feel every so often while reading other people's poetry:)
"You matter, and we matter". I really liked this. It really pitches that...
Read full commentPosted in Paean
Wow this is so bloody good!!
Posted on Tue, 11 Mar 2014
Wow this is so bloody good!! I have nothing left to say. I mean, I was thinking all this stuff while I was reading it but um...now all I can think is AMAZING.
This story has so many things going on! And yet his story is told with the...
Read full commentPosted in Chestnut Mare
I agree with scratch, and by
Posted on Thu, 30 Jan 2014
I agree with scratch, and by the looks of it you do comment quite a lot! I'm sure I haven't paid back all of my comments to their source (alas!). You really shouldn't let it worry you.
Read full commentPosted in The Labour Ward! (I.P.)