I have 50 stories published in
8 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 31317 times
and 6 of my stories have been cherry picked. 1 of my 10 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote
Returning to school in mid-August brought a sadness amongst us kids. It symbolised the end. Although the summer days continued for a few more weeks,...
There’s a large piece of my heart that will always belong to the Scottish Highlands. I was born there in the late 1970s; spending the first 18 years...
Gary Thomas woke to a fuzzy head. He opened his eyes, trying to focus, when he heard the faint sound of someone playing a guitar. His head felt woozy...
It's been a crazy time but my
Posted on Mon, 13 Apr 2020
It's been a crazy time but my kids have actually been pretty good (except for a few squabbles but that's brothers).
We've now got Starlings in the garden - I think nature is finding this quarrantine better than we are.
Read full commentPosted in A Black Bird In The Garden